Recycling society platform bringing together universities and industry
UNIVNET online expert seminar on progressive technologies for waste recovery in the automotive industry, 26 November 2021
UNIVNET experts met online on Friday 26 November 2021 and during the day-long expert seminar, lead researchers presented a total of twelve topics focused on specific solutions for waste recovery in the automotive industry. Prof. Šooš, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, leader of the UNIVNET association, started by presenting a topic developed in cooperation with the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic, in which he summarized the results of the analysis of the quantities and processing capacities of automotive waste in Slovakia.
UNIVNET experts met online on Friday 26 November 2021 – the presentations from this seminar (only in Slovak) and the abstracts for the topics presented by the researchers also in English.
10:00 – prof. Šooš, Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (ZAP SR), Analýza množstiev a spracovateľských kapacít odpadov z automobilového priemyslu [Analysis of quantities and processing capacities of waste from the automotive industry] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
10:15 – prof. Pokusová, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU BA), SmartOdpady III. Integrovaná informačná a inovačná platforma recyklačných technológií [SmartOdpady III. (SmartWaste) – Integrated information and innovation platform for recycling technologies] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
10:30 – prof. Šooš, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU BA), Návrh technologickej linky pre recykláciu lepených skiel automobilov [Design of a modular technological line for the recycling of laminated car glass] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
10:45 – prof. Havlík, Technical University of Košice (TUKE), Získavanie cenných zložiek z vyradených lítiových akumulátorov elektrických vozidiel [Recovery of valuable components from used electric cars lithium batteries] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
11:00 – prof. Badida, Sobotová, Dzuro et al., Technical University of Košice (TUKE), Vývoj materiálov a produktov zo so zvukovo a tepelno-izolačnými a inými vlastnosťami na báze odpadov z automobilového priemyslu [Development of materials and products with sound and heat-insulating and other properties based on waste from the automotive industry] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
11:15 – prof. Ochotnický, and the research team of the University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA)
Ochotnický, P., Lábaj, M., Majzlíková, E., Engel, M.: Elektromobilita a automotive –štrukturálne zmeny V SR a životné prostredie do r. 2025 [Electromobility and automotive – structural changes and the environment in the Slovak Republic until 2025] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
automotiveindustry compositematerials critical raw materials dry digestion hydrometallurgy laminatedglass leaching lithium lithium-ion battery polymers pyrolysis recycling recyclingequipment recyclingindustry recyclingtechnologies slag technologysolutions wasterecycling
Ochotnický, P., Engel, M: Východiská prognózy potenciálu prúdov odpadov z vozidiel po dobe životnosti v SR do r. 2025 [The starting point for prognoses of the potential of waste streams from end-of-life vehicles in the Slovak Republic] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
prof. Válek J., Kušnírová, J., Rabatinová, M.: Environmentálne dane v doprave a podpora recyklácie v AP prostredníctvom daňového systému [Environmental taxes in transport and the promotion of recycling in the automotive industry through the tax system] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
Sivák, R., Belanová, K.: Finančná podpora progresívnych technológií a inovácií v oblasti zhodnocovania odpadov v automobilovom priemysle [Financial support for advanced technologies and innovations in the field of waste recovery in the automotive industry] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
Zábojník, S., Kubičková, V.: Veda a výskum ako zdroj inovačného potenciálu subdodávateľov v automobilovom priemysle SR [Science and research as a source of innovation potential of subcontractors in the automotive industry of the Slovak Republic] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
12:30 – doc. Krilek, Technical University in Zvolen (TUZVO), Výskum vlastností drevných kompozitov obsahujúcich odpadové polyméry z automobilov [Research of properties of wood composites containing waste polymers from automobiles] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
12:45 – Ing. Patsch, University of Žilina (UNIZA), Optimalizácia a realizácia pyrolýzneho reaktora na energetické zhodnotenie odpadu z automobilového priemyslu [Optimization and realization of pyrolysis reactor for energy recovery of waste from the automotive industry] abstract (Slovak/English) and presentation (only in Slovak)
In mid-November 2021, the English version of the UNIVNET publication Analysis of the State, Forecasts and New Technologies of Waste Recovery in the Automotive Industry (ISBN: 978-3-96595-008-5) was published by the German publishing house RAM-Verlag.
Dear readers,
The development of new cars reflects the strategy of the EU to produce material and energy-efficient vehicles, including the introduction of cutting-edge ultra-low carbon production technologies in vehicles. The requirements for the minimum weight and maximum strength of the structure placed on current vehicles result in the use of new composite materials that are problematic in terms of recycling. Plastics, non-ferrous metal-bearing materials, the significant growth of electronics and the start of the series production of electric vehicles give rise to new challenges also in recycling. Concerning the critical raw material resources, EU policy determines the trend of the increasing share of secondary raw materials with an emphasis on increasing the level of recycling raw materials of a mineral origin and the efficient material or energy recovery of organic waste.
In the near future, UNIVNET members are planning to address the needs of waste treatment from the automotive industry, taking into account the Waste Management Programme of the Slovak Republic for 2021 – 2025, the problem of the lack of data on waste capacity, and specific solutions for waste treatment, such as a solution for laminated glass, the recycling of lithium-ion batteries from end-of-life electric vehicles, the development of products with sound and heat insulation and other properties based on waste, the recycling of plastics from the automotive industry into new composite materials from research through to market take-up, the construction of a pyrolysis reactor and its optimisation.
In the field of battery waste, the priority is to work on the material composition of individual batteries, which vary considerably, and to try to provide recyclers with a sort of homogeneous sample for the development of a unified treatment process.
From the beginning of 2022, UNIVNET will intensify its focus on moving from theoretical studies and initial experiments to the implementation of solutions in collaboration with the industry. The involvement of specific partners from the industry is intended to help move the research teams towards achieving concrete outputs, concrete products, technology or solution designs, through production to sales.
SmartWaste Online Platform
Opportunities to link information flows between UNIVNET members and industry are constantly being sought. We need realistic technical requirements and information from engineers, not just theoretical assumptions.
In addition to the constant search for partner companies interested in using recyclates in their production programmes, for an efficient electronic register of waste streams it is necessary that as many companies as possible – waste holders, waste processors, developers and technology suppliers – register on the platform.
Efforts will also be made in the future to provide professional and educational activities based on the results of the activities of the UNIVNET members, for example in the form of workshops with the creators, with the lead researchers of UNIVNET topics. We should also aim to produce products from recyclates that are in real demand on the market – to ensure their marketing. The experience of UNIVNET members ranges from the development of new solutions to the testing of model production processes, production lines, to the marketing and positioning of new products on the market.
If you are interested in partnership or need further information please contact Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Ľubomír Šooš, PhD., Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY IN BRATISLAVA, Phone: +421 2 572 965 39, E-mail: lubomir.soos at,
You can find us on the social networks LinkedIn and Facebook under the username UNIVNET Research.