Recycling society platform bringing together universities and industry
Slovakia continues to be a world leader in car production, with 182 passenger cars per 1,000 inhabitants produced last year.
In 2020, 990,598 cars were produced in the Slovak Republic, which was 10.6% less year-on-year. The number of cars produced last year was affected by the new coronavirus pandemic. In 2021, more than 1 million cars are expected to be produced in Slovakia.
In 2020, there was a decrease in the number of registered new passenger cars. A total of 76,305 vehicles were registered, which is a year-on-year drop of 24.78%. According to ZAP SR (AIA SR), there are still high numbers of registrations of older cars for individually imported vehicles.
“In this context, we are concerned about individual imports of used vehicles, where the share of vehicles older than five years is more than 60%. Such vehicles will certainly not help us reduce overall emissions from the transport sector. In our opinion, a much more sustainable solution is systemic support for the sale of zero- or low-emission vehicles, which, on the contrary, would reduce these emissions,” said Alexander Matušek, President of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic.
Press release of the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic: Automobilový priemysel je akcelerátorom zelenej transformácie Európy. Kde je Slovensko?, Bratislava, 17.6.2021 The entire press release is available on the AIA SR website
If you are interested in partnership or need further information please contact Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Ľubomír Šooš, PhD., Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY IN BRATISLAVA, Phone: +421 2 572 965 39, E-mail: lubomir.soos at,
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